4 mins read

Get Organized for Back to School Success

This summer, the head coordinator of the PTA of a local private school in Los Angeles hired me to give a presentation to the parents on getting students organized. I decided to call the workshop “Back to School Success.” The parents submitted several questions that were on their minds. Here are some of the most common questions and my answers: 1. What kind of system can you suggest to keep all the kids’ paperwork in one place?

4 mins read

Autism and Food Issues

Many children on the autism spectrum have some kind of food issues. What are food issues? I believe that anyone on the autism spectrum can have reactions to oral stimuli. Many make noises with their mouths in order to help regulate themselves. Food issues often stem from oral issues. They also are connected with digestive…

5 mins read

California Regional Centers and Your Child with Autism

This may come off as a rant, but really it's a warning to new parents out there. What is a California Regional Center? From the CA.gov website: "Regional centers are nonprofit private corporations that contract with the Department of Developmental Services to provide or coordinate services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities. They have…

5 mins read

Myths about Autism – Part Three

In this blog, I'm continuing to debunk myths about autism. Myth #12: They'll all loners I have known many children on the autism spectrum who want to have friends. They desire to be around their peers, but they lack the social skills that will enable some peers to accept them. When they get rejected, they…