4 mins read

The Pros and Cons of Botox Procedure

Many people were happy when Botox was introduced as an anti-aging product. It immediately gained immense popularity as a simple, non-surgical procedure that could help restore one’s youthful glow. With just a few tiny injections, one could enjoy wrinkle-free skin hence feel better about his or her looks.

2 mins read

Procedures for Under Eye Wrinkles

The thin skin under your eyes tends to lose elasticity and wrinkle as you age. While eye creams and gels can encourage slight improvements in the texture and appearance of your under-eye wrinkles, professional cosmetic procedures may provide more dramatic results. Consider both the risks and benefits when choosing a procedure to enhance your under-eye area.

4 mins read

Plastic Surgery Procedures for Women

Before you sashay over to your plastic surgeon’s office and order your procedures off the menu as if you were ordering from your favorite restaurant, make sure you are approaching plastic surgery in a healthy way. While you should not have to pretend that beauty isn’t important, you should also realize that beauty isn’t more important than everything else. It’s one thing to fix an imperfection that has always bothered you; it’s quite another to make plastic surgery your new hobby or to expect it to change your life. If you have a strong self-image and just want to make an improvement or correct a defect or flaw, you have plenty of options.

3 mins read

C-Section Procedures

A C-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby. Although having a C-section is considered a routine procedure in many hospitals, it is still major abdominal surgery that should be used only when necessary. Knowing how the procedure is done, asking your doctor questions ahead of time, and preparing for the big day can eliminate most fear and anxiety.

3 mins read

About Vasectomy Procedure Costs

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves blocking or severing a man’s vasa deferentia, the tubes that carry sperm, to prevent the release of sperm. This form of birth control is generally considered permanent, though the procedure can be reversed. The Mayo Clinic estimates that fewer than two out of 1,000 vasectomy procedures result in pregnancy, making the procedure’s effectiveness greater than 99 percent.