2 mins read

Cures for Under-Eye Swelling

Under-eye swelling — sometimes called “bags under the eyes” — is rarely a serious health threat. Still, it can be seriously irritating when you want to look your best. Puffy, swollen areas under the eyes are not only unattractive, but they can be uncomfortable as well. Luckily, under-eye swelling will usually go down with treatment.

2 mins read

My Feet Keep Swelling Up

Swelling in your feet can be a symptom of various disorders. In addition to causing discomfort, swollen feet can be a sign of a serious disorder. While your feet may swell in response to an injury or a long ride in an airplane or car, continual or recurrent swelling can signal an underlying health condition that requires medical treatment.

2 mins read

Tips to Reduce Swelling During Pregnancy

Swollen extremities are common during pregnancy, especially near the end of the pregnancy. The extra fluids in the body contribute to the swelling. The uterus also presses on your veins, particularly those that lead to the legs and feet, slowing your circulation in those areas. There are ways to minimize pregnancy swelling so your ankles don’t disappear into your calves.