2 mins read

Effective Nail Biting Treatments

Not only do nails provide skin protection for fingers and toes, fingernails can be quite useful for actions like scratching an itch. Nail biting can be a habit that is difficult to break. While some people may be able to simply make a conscious decision to stop biting nails, other people may have a more difficult time and find themselves time and time again biting their nails. Nail biting treatments can be useful in breaking the nail biting habit.

2 mins read

Is Baby Oragel Safe?

Baby Orajel is a familiar name brand on your drugstore shelves. This topical treatment contains benzocaine, an oral analgesic also used in sore throat sprays and nonprescription topicals for toothache, sore gums and denture pain. The American Academy of Pediatrics, or AAP, cautions you that Baby Orajel and similar products for teething babies may not be as safe as you think.