Search Results for: transit
Autism Transitions
This blog is more or less a follow-up to my last blog. I had alluded to transitions that relate to my son’s age—fifteen. My son recently transitioned to getting himself to school on his own (mostly) without help from Mom (he’s been on time since this transition, including making his own breakfast). We are also…
A Student with Autism Transitions to No School Aide
Our son wanted to not have an aide in high school. And, here’s how it’s going… How did we begin the transition? My son had a full time aide in 7th grade. As the year ended, the aide would give him “breaks,” she wasn’t with him during snack and lunch. She would meet him at…
It Was A F*cking Tough Transition Going From One to Two Kids
Obviously showing at 8 months pregnant with baby #2 pushing a grocery cart while strategically shoving cheerios into the palm of, and in between screams of, baby #2 always attracts the attention of ‘those’ mothers and their unsolicited advice. Most say, ‘the more you have the easier it will be.’ Sometimes I was asked, ‘are…
Tips To Help Transition Back Into School
Summer is the time for sun and fun as well as, loosey-goosey schedules for the whole family. Then, before you know it, it’s time to set the alarm and get back-to-school. Sure you’ve got all the supplies bought, but are you really ready for that first day? There are some simple things you can do…
Managing the Trauma of Transitions
Spring is here – and it’s all about transitioning from winter to summer. That old change of seasons. For the flowers, the trees, and…our kids. The school year is ending. Some kids are heading off to summer camps (or summer school). Some kids are coming back home. So how do you get your child (and…