11 mins read

July Astrology

Hello Dear Readers, The quandary of early July is here. What can you say about a month that begins under a power gridlock of two opposing mighty gods, Sun and Pluto, and four retrograde planets? Dont count on anything just yet, wait it out, stay on your yachtwhether literal or fanciful; water planets predominate right now anyway.

7 mins read

Healthy BBQ (Mama Q) Menu

Are you getting your grill ready for Labor Day weekend? Why not throw a healthy and modern “Mama Q” instead of a regular BBQ? Grab your favorite wedges: Theyre best for planning, prepping, and grilling while being so very modern. Oh yes, we are talking shoes here, not lettuce or lemons!

3 mins read

Menu Ideas for a Baby Shower

The baby shower is an anticipated tradition for all expecting mothers. Whether casual, formal or somewhere in between, this popular event requires lots of planning. The menu for a baby shower requires a great degree of planning and effort, particularly if you are preparing the food yourself. The food should match the overall theme and tone of the celebration.