3 mins read

Grapefruit Pectin Side Effects

Pectin is a water-soluble substance found in the cell walls of ripe fruits, such as grapefruit, apples and oranges. According to WebMD, grapefruit pectin is useful in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides; it also helps prevent colon and prostate cancers. Although grapefruit pectin has many health benefits, it also has some side effects that you should know about. Find out if the benefits outweigh the side effects before you gobble up grapefruit pectin.

3 mins read

Foods for a High-Cholesterol Diet

Whether a doctor has advised you your cholesterol level is high or you simply want to take a proactive role where your health is concerned, watching what you eat is very important to avoiding high cholesterol. While there are certain foods that can raise cholesterol levels, there are also foods that can lower cholesterol. When restricting the bad foods, such as saturated fats, add some of the good foods to your diet.

2 mins read

Good Foods to Eat for Cholesterol

When most people think of cholesterol, they think of the bad, heart-clogging type of cholesterol. After all, the American Heart Association says that a person’s daily cholesterol levels should be kept lower than 300 mg per day to keep the heart healthy. Not all cholesterol is evil, though. In fact, there are “good” types of cholesterol called HDL that protect you from a heart attack. There are many good foods you can eat to raise your levels of HDL and to lower your “bad” LDL and triglyceride cholesterol.