2 mins read

The Best On-Camera Colors to Wear

Let’s face it: we moms want to look our best, even if we feel like we are covered in spit-up and haven’t had a haircut in months. Luckily, looking our best when being filmed may be as simple as choosing the best colors to wear. While each person has certain colors that she looks best in, some colors really stand out when recorded. In addition, many colors are associated with certain personality traits.

5 mins read

Apparently, I’m Embarrassing

The summer my daughter turned eight, we bought a book called Fun Things To Do In Los Angeles (or something like that). She didn’t go to day camp on Thursdays, so every Wednesday night we’d pore through the book, looking for a fun place that we could go to the next day for what we…

5 mins read

Moms, Kids and Sex

The most important woman in my life (rest in peace, mom) never talked to me – or my two sisters or my brother – about sex. Zilch about menstruation, pubic hair, hormones, intercourse or conception. We snuck our tampons, bras, and birth control into the house like Cold War spies. It was a surreal way to go through adolesc