3 mins read

Beauty Tips: Tweezing Eyebrows

Eyebrows are an important beauty feature, but they can easily grow out of control. You’ve probably seen some eyebrow don’ts, such as brows that are too bushy, too thin or the tadpole–a kind of eyebrow mullet, if you will, thick at the beginning with a too-drastic tapering off that doesn’t quite make it to the end. You can avoid all of these eyebrow mistakes once you learn some beauty tips for tweezing them.

4 mins read

Secrets to Hair Removal

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” a quote commonly attributed to Albert Einstein, might describe your chosen method of hair removal. From the shave that’s never close enough to the electric tweezers that promise you permanent results, the secret to sleek, silky hair-free legs can be elusive. Explore your full range of options before you decide what hair removal technique is best for you.

4 mins read

Should Buffers Be Used to Remove Facial Hair?

Almost as big a problem as facial hair is finding the right way to remove it. Buffing away hair offers an inexpensive solution. In fact, during World War II, women resorted to using sandpaper to buff hair off of their legs due to the shortage of razor blades. Buffing away facial hair can work in theory and in practice — but you may want to consider that this method can be painful when applied to such a sensitive part of your body.

4 mins read

Top 10 Skin Care Treatments for Ingrown Hairs

Sometimes, when you shave your legs or pluck your eyebrows, the small bit of hair that remains pushes itself back into your skin. When the hair begins to grow again, it does not grow out. Instead, it grows in. If you develop red or pink bumps on an area where you’ve recently removed hair, you most likely now have ingrown hairs. Coarse, thick or curly hair tends to grow inward. Several treatments exist for ingrown hair. You can choose one, based on the severity of your condition.

2 mins read

Facial Hair Removal Products for Women

About 10 percent of women suffer from unwanted facial hair growth due to a hormonal imbalance called hirsutism, according to the Mayo Clinic. African American and Hispanic women may be much more vulnerable to developing some degree of unwanted facial hair, though virtually any adult woman can suffer from this potentially embarrassing condition at some point during her life. While medications to treat hormonal imbalances and semi-permanent hair removal techniques using lasers can help some women, other women may decide to try facial hair removal products in the privacy of their homes.