Search Results for: video games
Do Video Games Make Kids More Violent?
Since the inception of video games, and all creative media for that matter, we as a society have questioned what type of content is acceptable for children and young adults. At what age is it okay for children to be exposed to violence and other possibly adult themes? Will this exposure lead to deviant behavior?…
Why Our Daughters Need To Play More Video Games
Girls today are steering away from math, science and computers in record numbers.According to the U.S. Department of Education, the percentage of women graduates in computer science is at a 39-year low. In 2012, women in the U.S. earned only 19% of all math and computer science degrees (compared to 37% 20 years ago) and made up less than 25% of the workers in engineering and computer-related fields. Fewer than 10 percent …
Why Video Games Can Be Good For Kids
If you were like my family this holiday season, you probably purchased some type of video gaming system – which means now is a great opportunity to start a dialogue on video games. Parents often wonder Will my child play too much? Are video games really bad for my kid? With this is mind, here are my experiences and guidelines on some genres of video games.
Video Games Geared at Girls
Forget all the rock-em, sock-em video games designed for boys… in the last few years, it seems like video game developers finally realized that girls like to have fun too. Maybe your little one yearns to explore wild forests and dive to the bottom of the sea. Maybe she just wants to have her own pet monster. Whatever the case, these fun games are tailor-made for girls: Moxie Girlz
Video Games: The Source of All Family Friction
Quote me on this: video games are the source of all family friction.