4 mins read

7 Cheap Ideas for Family “We Time”

Yes, we often emphasize how mommies need their me time. But, of course, family we time should never be overlooked. Its so important to spend time together as a family, whether you have one kid or 10! Here are seven ideas to get you started on your path to family fun. Remember, a family that plays together stays together! 1. Have a Picnic and Play Day

6 mins read

Behold The Magic of The Six M’s

The following is a guest post by Jeff Lantos, a 5th grade teacher at Marquez Elementary School. This week my fellow teachers and I will greet our new students and begin implementing the lessons we’ve outlined in our plan-books.  Most of these lessons will focus on math and language arts.  In fact, most mornings will…

6 mins read

Divorce Lice

My soon-to-be-ex-husband just texted me from an airport 400 miles away. I was expecting to hear from him. He was about to put our 12-year-old daughter on a plane to fly to me for two weeks vacation at the beach. In fact, I was grabbing my car keys to leave for the airport to collect her at the gate. I stopped when the text popped up. My first thought: maybe the flight was delayed. Or …

15 mins read

5 Dream Destinations for Your Second Honeymoon

Ill be completely honestmy honeymoon, nearly 20 years ago, wasnt all that great. I was sick in bed with the flu the whole first week on Kauai. The second week, my husband and I decided to try our hand at windsurfing on Maui. While I was feeling better, it was grueling. We ended each day bandaging our blistered hands (a side effect of gripping the boom when youre a beginner windsurfer …

3 mins read

Mr. Peabody & Sherman: Meet Your New Favorite Movie Dog Dad

The Bullwinkle universe has not had tremendous luck in the cinematic world. As a youngster, I suffered through 3 awful live-action adaptations of cartoons that I grew up loving (two of which starred Brendan Fraser, who must have had a personal vendetta against the cartoon). But finally one of Jay Ward’s beloved characters has been done well.No. Not done well.Done flawlessly.In DreamWorks’ Mr. Peabody & Sherman, Mr. Peabody is the quintessential Renaissance …