5 mins read

Helping Teens Change Rape Culture

Thanks to the presidential election, the news lately has been full of women’s stories of unwanted sexual attention from men. In response, Canadian writer Kelly Oxford amassed thousands of voluntary accounts of women’s first experiences with assault and harassment. Most took place when the women were minors, and involved trusted coaches, hairdressers, neighbors and caregivers;…

5 mins read

What Wedding Season Means For Parents

Oh, April. The blooming trees. The pretty flowers. The longer, sunnier days.And the start of the wedding season.For parents, other peoples weddings bring unique stresses. The flawless embossed invitation arrives. A work of art, complete with your calligraphied name and address decorating the envelope like twining ivy, topped by a carefully love-themed stamp. A creation that the bride and groom clearly put more time, effort, creativity and cash into than a kitchen …