3 mins read

Does Your Child Have Trouble With Tests? Help Them Study Smarter!

In classrooms across America, teachers strive to provide engaging lessons and meaningful homework, but more often than not, our students are not learning how to learn. Kids walk out of their classrooms armed with study guides, notes, and chapters to read, but they dont know how to put that information into storage for retrieval tomorrow, next week, or three months from now. Here are four easy ways to help your child study smarter:

4 mins read

No More Math Panic Attacks! 4 Steps To Easing Math Anxiety

While the thought of a big math test can make even the most confident student stressed out, for some kids, the feelings associated with math go far beyond garden-variety stress. For these students, a feeling of intense anxiety develops – to the point that they are no longer able to think clearly. But how can parents tell whether their child’semotions are a real problem or just an excuse to avoid an uncomfortable academic subject?