9 mins read

Back to School: How to Keep Your Child Safe

Summer is nearing its end, and we are getting our kids ready for back to school. So we asked our mom friends if they had any questions or concerns about their childrens safety. There were so many, but we picked a few of the top concerns to address in this blog.Back to school keeping your child safe..Q: My child will be walking to school this year. He is in 5th grade and I want to give him safety skills without scaring him. What should I tell him?

4 mins read

Protect Your Kids from Abduction!

With the disappearance of little Kyron and so many other children, we felt it was time to write about this. Sadly, no one knows what happened to Kyron but his disappearance has brought up a lot of discussion amongst parents regarding the issues of strangers and abduction. Most of us were brought up with the term stranger danger (basically, dont talk to strangers) which, as we reassess it taught us no actual safety skills.