2 mins read

What is the best way to make resolutions and stick with them

The best way to make resolutions is to determine what you want and can realistically change. It has to be something you want to do otherwise you WILL falter and fail. Be Specific: Once you decide on what you want to do, be specific in your resolution/goal: instead of I want to lose weight, make your resolution more specific like I will exercise and diet to reach a goal weight of X. Instead of I want to save money this year try I will save $X per quarter for a total of at least $X for this year.

3 mins read

Get Organized for the New Year!

Its likely that someone popped the question this season. No, not the will you marry me? question, but the what is your resolution? one. Finding more time to work out, losing those last five pounds, spending more quality time with the kids all top the list, but one of the most popular New Years resolutions is to get more organized.

1 min read

What is the best way to take down my holiday stuff so I am ready for next year?

First pack all the breakable ornaments; wrap in tissue or place in appropriate ornament storage. Wrap any seasonal decorations (not on the tree) in tissue or packing paper. If you have bubble wrap that is even better to ensure there is no breakage! Make sure you label the outside of the storage box in large print what is on the inside. You dont want to put the breakables on your storage shelf first and have heavier items placed on top and break them! Many people use storage bins that have Christmas colors of Red and Green so they know the season the items go with- a great idea!

3 mins read

Plan a Dessert Night for the Holidays

One of the best (and maybe the worst) aspects of the holiday season is all of the get-togethers. From family and friends to colleagues, there are plenty of parties to encourage the holiday spirit and ring in the new year. Cocktail parties? Check! Dinner parties? Check! Maybe even a DJ Dance Party? Check! Why not try something different this holiday season?