3 mins read

8 Ways to Look Thinner INSTANTLY

Warm weather is on its way! This means getting pretty pedicures to show off in new sandals, trips to the beach with the family, and – horror of horrors – tank tops and shorts! Yes, this is the season when people really start to buckle down with their fitness and health. After all, those extra pounds you hid under big sweaters may have kept you warm in the winter, but now they are just depleting your self-confidence whenever you try on a sleeveless top or cute dress.

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Your Ultimate Stress-Relief Guide

Work, relationships, financespick your poison. Were all stressed out. And we all know the harmful effects of stress on the body — hair falling out, weight fluctuations, sickness — things that inevitably stress us out even more!

2 mins read

5 Ways to Stop Stress Eating

While we all know what were SUPPOSED to be eating, other factors play a role in what we CHOOSE to eat. One of these factors is stress. Stress eating can keep you from reaching your diet and fitness goals. Do you find yourself reaching for a powdered doughnut when youre feeling overwhelmed? Then here are some ways to reduce your stress eating habits: 1) Tame Your Stress

3 mins read

8 Things to Stop Doing Just for One Day

Relax…I said “STOP doing.” It takes more effort to continue doing most of these things than to stop for just a day. It won’t hurt you, and it might actually help. 1. Stop Nagging Try not to nag your kids or your husband about what they should be doing or what they’re doing wrong. Instead, focus on the positive and compliment them for what they are doing right. This may just give you a whole new perspective on your attitude. 2. Stop Eating Processed Foods

2 mins read

“Happy” Foods that Improve Your Mood

The old adage is true: you are what you eat. There have been numerous studies on how diet impacts mood and they all agree that the foods you eat affect the chemical composition of your brain, which in turn affects your mood. Food affects the release of neurotransmitters, the chemical signals that relays info between nerves. Neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine have all been linked to increased levels of alertness and energy. With the right combination of vitamins and nutrients in your diet, you can eat your way to a happier you.