5 mins read

I went from Radio Show Host to Reality TV Mom

In late June of 2007, my co-host and I were interviewing the casting director from ABC’s “Supernanny” for our radio show. The conversation suddenly took a turn when my co-host suggested that my six children and I be featured on “Supernanny.”Things started to move very quickly, and the next thing I knew, a crew had showed up, and my reality suddenly was going to be open for the world to see.My thoughts raced.

2 mins read

Goodbye to the Past…Hello New Chapter

What a crazy day! Woke up and took Elspeth to the pediatric cardiologist for her ECHO and check up to find out what was going on to my sweet little girls heart. The fear that something could be wrong with your child can stop you in your tracks. I did okay, but I confess this morning i had so much anxiety. The Doctor listened to her chest, ran an EKG, and looked at the other things. He smiled and said she has a functional murmur which will not in any way impact her life. Sigh….the relief….my baby is okay!!!! Back to reality. We are moving in t

1 min read

In the Blink of an Eye

Yesterday started out like any other day. Every day, as soon as I wake up, while the house is still quiet and before my feet touch the floor, I pray. I have to confess my prayers lately have been focused on moving. The children and I are moving in two weeks and I have been consumed with getting the house packed, getting the kids excited about the move and helping them with their fears, and saying goodbye to a lot of the memories that the house we are in holds for us. Yesterday morning my prayer was for strength as the fear and panic of moving crept int

4 mins read

Raising Children is NOT What I Expected

We have all been around children before we had children of our own. As you watch those children throw fits and the parents give in, you find yourself thinking that your children will never behave like that and that you will never be that kind of parent. You judge the parents for handing out sugary treats to quiet their children, being permissive enough to give in to a childs every whim. Then you have children and all of those theories go out the window.