Goodbye to the Past…Hello New Chapter
What a crazy day! Woke up and took Elspeth to the pediatric cardiologist for her ECHO and check up to find out what was going on to my sweet little girls heart. The fear that something could be wrong with your child can stop you in your tracks. I did okay, but I confess this morning i had so much anxiety. The Doctor listened to her chest, ran an EKG, and looked at the other things. He smiled and said she has a functional murmur which will not in any way impact her life. Sigh….the relief….my baby is okay!!!! Back to reality. We are moving in two days. UGH….my moving with six kids!!!! NO…I can do it. First stop we needed to get a refridgerator. Taking six kids to pick it out might have been a mistake or a memorable adventure. I find the perfect basic fridge when suddenly I became Momma No. “mom, can we get a fridge that is pink…No”, “NO, they do not make icemakers that have chocolate icecream come out instead of water.” , ” no, you each can not have your own shelf to fill with whatever you want!” and the big one, “NO, we are not changing our mind and getting a 3D TV instead of a fridge!”
I am thrilled that we are moving into a house with more space, but sad to be leaving the memories of where we are. I mean….this tiny house was wear we told Nana goodbye as she died from Cancer. This tiny house kept up close in proximity which we all really needed. But now it is time to move on. So here we go!!!! If anyone has any suggestions on how to make a move easy with six kids…please pass them on. You can email me at!!!
Happy Moving Week!!!