3 mins read

How to Fix a Broken Slab of Marble?

Marble is a favorite stone in home décor due to its unique properties that make no two colors or designs alike. While it is one of the more durable natural materials you can find, it is susceptible to breakage just like any other type of stone if it is dropped or sustains a heavy impact…

4 mins read

Is Your Thyroid to Blame?

Did you know that having an abnormally high or low thyroid can cause you to miscarry and wreak havoc on your body? January is Thyroid Awareness Month? I thought talking about how vital our thyroid is to our body functions, including pregnancy, would be a great way to start the year off. One of the…

4 mins read

The Family Holiday Dinner Survival Guide

We just survived a holiday with my in-laws, and when I say in-laws I dont just mean Daddy-os parents – I mean ALL of the in-laws. At the top of the family pecking order is the grand matriarch, Oma. She has five grown kids, one of whom is Daddy-o. The total headcount for this communal holiday was: 1 Oma, 10 adults, and 17 grandchildren under the age of 13 years old.

6 mins read

How To Actually Organize Family Leisure

It can be difficult for busy families to spend some quality time together; parents are often juggling work commitments with keeping on top of household chores, while children may have studies and homework or after-school activities that eat up time. As a result, family time is often at a premium, and on those occasions when…