11 mins read

Finding A Lump In My Breast: One Year Later

Last year I offered to have a photographer take photos (tasteful ones) as I had a mammogram. Having had millions of people see my life on the reality show Supernanny in both the first episode we filmed and then in the 100th special episode we filmed as Americas Most Memorable Family, I am no longer camera shy. I was writing a story for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to encourage women to get their mammograms. Little did I know that the one story of a simple mammogram would lead down a longer path.

4 mins read

In the Blink of an Eye…

Tonight, I watched my little girl graduate from high school. As she marched into the Civic Center with her graduating class, my eyes welled up with tears thinking of how quickly the past eighteen years have gone by.

9 mins read

Prom Season is Breaking My Bank Account!

Our house has been crazy (well crazier than it normally is with six children running around) as my two oldest daughters have been busy preparing for their junior/senior proms. For months they have laid awake at night talking about what they would wear and shared their visions of the Cinderella moment that would soon be here.

3 mins read

Mom vs. Barbie

My daughter Elspeth got some Barbie dolls for her birthday recently, and everywhere we go, she brings her Barbies. Elspeth happily told me, “Mommy, you are not like Barbie.” I made the mistake of asking her why. I’m No Princess