3 mins read

Signs of a Stressed Baby in the Womb

While most babies develop without any problems, some infants experience stress prior to birth. Situations that compromise your baby’s blood and oxygen supply can occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Certain symptoms, such as a decrease in fetal movements, may alert you to the possibility that your baby is in distress. Notify your doctor if you have any concerns regarding the health and development of your unborn baby.

2 mins read

Bladder Pressure During Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation, it is also a time of various physical discomforts. Along with morning sickness, backaches and heartburn, you may experience pressure on your bladder. Although bladder pressure is a common occurrence during pregnancy, certain symptoms may signal the presence of a urinary tract infection.

3 mins read

The Truth About Medications for ADHD Children

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a syndrome characterized by impulsivity, inattentiveness, hyperactivity and distractibility. While many medications, generally stimulants, are in widespread use in treating children with ADHD, they can have serious side effects. Some parents of children with ADHD prefer alternative therapies to prescription drugs, although claims of health benefits are not borne out by compelling research to date.

2 mins read

Viagra for Women

Both men and women may experience sexual dysfunction. However, unlike men, women do not have a medically approved oral drug to take for episodes of sexual dysfunction. Viagra is a medication that treats erectile dysfunction in males who have difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection. Although some doctors may prescribe Viagra for women, it has not been approved for use by women and no studies exist that support the effectiveness of using it to treat female sexual dysfunction.

2 mins read

Cold Chills While Pregnant

Pregnancy causes various changes in the way you look and feel. While some physical discomforts are simply a normal component of a healthy pregnancy, others may signal the presence of a problem. Chills during pregnancy can be a symptom of a condition that requires medical care. Notify your doctor if you experience chills or other unusual symptoms during your pregnancy.