3 mins read

Classic Hairstyles for Older Women

Hairstyles that looked good on you in your 20s and 30s may not enhance your appearance in your later years. As you mature, your hair and features change, requiring you to adjust your style to create an attractive appearance. Classic styles — ones that don’t come and go with changing trends and fluctuating fads — are the best choice for older women.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Trimesters

Your pregnancy is a time of rapid changes for both you and your developing baby. Health professionals commonly refer to the stages of pregnancy as trimesters. Normal pregnancies last approximately 40 weeks from the time of menstruation to delivery. Each trimester includes certain developmental milestones for your baby.

2 mins read

Remedy for Cold Feet

Everybody experiences cold feet from time to time. The best treatment for cold feet depends on the cause of the condition. A variety of circumstances, including certain illnesses and lack of appropriate insulation, may lead to a cold feeling in your feet and toes. While simple self-help measures may return the feeling of warmth to your feet, certain medical conditions may require professional treatment.