3 mins read

Natural Chicken Pox Relief

An itchy, cranky child with chicken pox puts you on full-time parent patrol until the illness has run its course. According to MayoClinic.Com, if your child is otherwise healthy, her pediatrician may not recommend specific medical treatment. Simple home remedies and a mother’s tender loving care can give your child natural chicken pox relief.

3 mins read

About Chicken Pox

With your elementary school days far behind you, so are memories of the various bugs shared between classmates that resulted in homebound days of chicken soup and fretting parents. Varicella, which you known as chicken pox, usually affects children under the age of 15 — and most of the time only mildly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chicken pox is one of the more common illnesses that can affect your school-aged child.

4 mins read

Studies on HCG & Weight Loss

HCG is an obesity treatment dating back to the 1950s that has made a resurgence in popularity in recent years. The use of HCG — which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, also known as the human pregnancy hormone — was revealed as fad as early as the mid-1970s. Studies on HCG and weight loss indicate that the reason you lose weight on this diet is not from the use of HCG itself but because of the drastically reduced calorie count.