3 mins read

Family Outdoor Games

Families play outdoor games together for several reasons. Outdoor games are generally less sedate than indoor games. For example, an outdoor game of croquet will provide more exercise than an indoor game of sitting at a table and playing cards. Outdoor family games can also work to strengthen family bonds. These games help families to get exercise, to have fun together and to grow closer to each other.

3 mins read

Birthday Party Planning Checklist

Birthday parties can be fun-filled events, especially if nothing has been forgotten. Imagine the disappointment for the party planners if somehow refreshments didn’t make it onto the list of needed supplies. These kinds of omissions can be avoided if the birthday party is well planned. Planning ahead doesn’t have to be a headache, either. While some decisions need to be made, such as deciding on a theme, having a party-planning checklist takes the pressure off and allows party planners to enjoy preparing for the festivities.

3 mins read

Checklist for a Kid’s Birthday Party

A kid’s birthday party can be fun for both child and parent alike. Sometimes, though, a lack of planning results in a loss of opportunity for fun. The atmosphere at a kid’s birthday party can be dampened when a particular supply is missing for a party’s event or activity. For example, a game of kickball will be spoiled if no one remembers to bring the ball. Having a checklist will ensure that all the little details have been remembered.

2 mins read

How to Make Friends When You Are Shy

There are good reasons why you want to have friends. Not only can friends increase your enjoyment of life, they can help to reduce feelings of loneliness. They can even reduce the level of stress in your life and improve your health, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Friends can be especially helpful when you are going through a stressful time, need someone to talk to or are experiencing a bout of anxiety. But if you’re shy, you may have trouble making friends. There are steps you can take to make friends despite your shyness.

2 mins read

How to Deal With a Troubled Teen

The teenage years are times of intense changes, which are not restricted to physical growth. Teenagers experience growth intellectually as well as socially and morally. All these changes can make the transition from adolescence to adulthood difficult. When dealing with teenagers who are going through difficult times, remember what it was like to be a teenager and that you may have to accept the limitations of your teen. It can also help to remember that eventually the teenage years will be over.