2 mins read

Hispanic Baby Names for Girls

Naming a baby girl is a major decision. She carries her first name with her for life, and with her name, your love. Hispanic names are those from Spain and Central and South America — or Latin America. Tradition plays a big part in naming children of Hispanic heritage, with some girls taking the same name as their grandmothers or great aunts, and others from famous religious, historical or cultural characters. Names such as Maria, Anna and Rosa remain common, but young parents choose from a wide range of alternatives.

2 mins read

How to Get Lean for Women

Toning up muscles and burning fat both lead to a leaner body and a sleeker look. You need to maintain an adequate level of nutrition when you exercise, so do not cut back drastically on calories. Keep enough fuel in your body so that you keep your metabolism levels up, enabling you to burn fat while you build lean muscle mass. Exercise is essential to build muscle, but watching how many calories you eat and maintaining a healthy diet helps. Women naturally have fat stores in their hips and thighs, but abdominal fat is potentially harmful to your health as its presence indicates an increased risk for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

3 mins read

Weightlifting for Women

You might spend hours swimming or running, but you still do not have the curves you hope for. Weightlifting is a good way to get cardiovascular exercise, and it tones and builds your muscles. Weight machines offer controlled, smooth resistance, which helps avoid injury. Free-weights are good for building the smaller supporting muscle groups that machines do not target. Join a friend when starting a weightlifting routine to keep you motivated and on track.

2 mins read

Problems With Overweight Kids

Your instinct as a mom is to feed and indulge your kids, but too much of a good thing leads to weight gain. Overweight kids suffer health issues and problems with self-esteem, so keeping them on a healthy track is the best form of love. Changing eating and exercise habits involves the entire family, and forming a plan of action gives you the best change of long-term success.