2 mins read

Obesity Clinics for Children

Childhood obesity sets the stage for adult health issues including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and specific cancers. Obesity is diagnosed when a child’s weight is far above what is acceptable for his height. Obese children often suffer from anxiety and depression. Finding an appropriate childhood obesity clinic can help your child regain his self-esteem and lose the weight, thereby putting him on the road to a lifetime of better health.

3 mins read

How to Throw a Barbecue-Themed Party

If you want to have people talking about your amazing barbecue-themed party for months after it happens, you need to wrap the entire theme around a single concept. Beyond the obvious, which is to serve great food, you can also incorporate costumes, games and decorations that will provide a party your friends and family will still be raving about long after the warm summer has ended. Putting it all together won’t be difficult if you focus on staying organized.