3 mins read

Breast Pain During Pregnancy

Breast pain can occur during the first, second or third trimester of pregnancy. Usually one of the earliest signs that you are expecting, breast pain can also occur in the final stages of pregnancy as your breasts become ready for your milk to come in shortly after the birth. While much of the discomforts of pregnancy are due to fluctuating hormones, with a little knowledge and gentle care you can reduce breast pain during pregnancy.

2 mins read

Vitamins for Perimenopausal Women

Most women spend several years in a transitional stage before menopause called perimenopause. During this transitional time, their bodies move from having regular monthly periods to no longer having cycles, thereby, becoming infertile. Maintaining health during this transitional period helps your body adjust to the changes. Getting enough of certain vitamins through nutrition in foods or supplements will keep your body strong, while reducing perimenopause symptoms.