2 mins read

How to Teach an Autistic Child to Read

Autism presents unique challenges when it comes to learning to read. Children with autism typically have problems focusing, learning to decode words and problems with motivation. An International Journal of Special Education article states high-functioning autistic children have the skills in place to learn to read, though those skills are delayed. Choosing the right teaching method can clear the way for your child to learn to read.

2 mins read

How to Test for Male Infertility

For many couples, starting a family is an easy process. They decide the time has come, they stop using birth control protection, and the woman becomes pregnant. For some couples, however, pregnancy does not occur. Determining why you and your partner are having trouble conceiving can be a complicated process that may leave you wondering if your partner has fertility problems. Several medical procedures can be used to determine if your male partner is infertile.