3 mins read

Help for Teenage Anger

To a teen, a small issue can seem monumental and lead to serious emotional distress. Some teens can deal with this distress internally and settle themselves down, while others are unable to handle these natural fits of anger. If your teen seems quick to anger, you can help him overcome this tendency. By learning about the ways in which teens can develop anger control and guiding your struggling child to these resources, you can reduce the likelihood that anger continues to get the best of your kid.

3 mins read

Stomach Pains in Children

Stomach pain is an exceedingly common medical complaint among young children. Because of the overly common nature of this complaint, identifying the cause of and dealing with stomach pain often proves challenging. Depending upon the nature and severity of your child’s stomach pains, the cause could range from something serious to something that is completely in his head.

3 mins read

Why Is My Child So Angry?

Dealing with a child who appears to be angry at the world can prove challenging for parents. If your child exhibits signs of extreme anger, there is likely something at the root of this aggression. Instead of trying to wish your child’s anger away, consider the causes. By dealing with his underlying issues, you may be able to help him overcome this emotional distress.

3 mins read

Solutions to Teen Smoking

Smoking is a potentially deadly habit that most parents hope their teens never pick up; however, despite parents’ best efforts, some teens fall victim to the temptation of smoking. Whether as the result of peer pressure or in an attempt to assert their maturity, some teens opt to begin this addictive practice and, once started, find it challenging to quit. While solving the problem of teen smoking is by no means a simple one, there are things that can be done to reduce the likelihood that teens begin to smoke.

2 mins read

How to Tighten Loose Skin After a Baby

Most moms hope that upon the birth of their child, their once taunt tummy returns to its previous tightness. While this does almost miraculously happen in some cases, much to the chagrin of many moms, this is not always the case. If the birth of your child left you with some skin that just won’t cooperate, no matter how many times you beg it to tighten up, consider some things that you can do to promote skin tightening and create a physical appearance that at least closely approximates the one you used to possess.