4 mins read

Aggressive Behavior Due to Video Games

Many children enjoy battling evil in video games. While it may seem that engaging in simulated violent battle could have little impact on a child, evidence exists that indicates that video game violence can translate to real world aggression. Before you buy your little video game lover that violence-rich game he has had his eye on, consider the potential consequences that repeatedly playing the game could have on your kid.

2 mins read

What Are the Causes of Bad Behavior in a Child?

Bad behavior is an unfortunate part of childhood. No matter how well-mannered your child usually may be, he will almost certainly exhibit periods of less-than-perfect behavior. Different causes could be at the root of your child’s episodes of misbehavior. By determining the likely cause of your child’s acting up, you can more effectively reduce the number of bad behavior episodes.

3 mins read

Why Is My Baby So Fussy?

While moms live for the smiles their babies send their way, all too often, these periods of happiness are interrupted by fussiness. If your baby seems to be a bit more cranky than most, there could be a host of issues at the root of this problem. By working to determine why yours isn’t the happiest baby in the world, you’ll be able to respond more effectively to his fussing and potentially reduce the periods of whining and crying.

4 mins read

Teen Anger Problems

Nearly everyone feels anger from time to time, but, for some teens, dealing with this natural anger presents a serious challenge. If your teen seems more likely than most to anger, there could be a developmental cause or an outside anger inducer at the root of this difficulty. By helping your teen in his war against anger, you may be able to allow him to overcome his anger-related difficulties.

2 mins read

How to Tell Family a Baby’s Gender

Many parents-to-be delight in keeping their friends and family members on the edges of their seats when giving out details about the child that will soon join their family. If you plan to reveal this information bit by bit, one of the things people will likely be eager to know is whether you will be painting your nursery pink or blue. Instead of a ho-hum oral announcement, make a splash when you give away your child-to-be’s gender.