How to Tell Family a Baby’s Gender
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How to Tell Family a Baby’s Gender

Many parents-to-be delight in keeping their friends and family members on the edges of their seats when giving out details about the child that will soon join their family. If you plan to reveal this information bit by bit, one of the things people will likely be eager to know is whether you will be painting your nursery pink or blue. Instead of a ho-hum oral announcement, make a splash when you give away your child-to-be’s gender.

Step 1

Gather family members at a gender reveal party to decrease the likelihood that anyone feels slighted and to prevent having to create an ordered list of individuals to tell. Decorate for your party in neutral tones, and make your announcement at the end of the event. Or let partygoers in on the secret the second they walk in the door by decorating your space in blue or pink.

Step 2

Bake a pink or blue plastic pacifier, or other gender-specific object, into a cake. Slice your treat, and give it out to friends and family who have gathered to hear the news. Offer a prize to the individual who finds this gender-identifying token in his cake slice.

Step 3

Purchase stick-on speech bubbles, or create one with paper. Make a copy of your favorite sonogram picture, and place the bubble coming from your baby’s mouth. Write “I’m a boy!” in the bubble, allowing the baby to announce his gender. Either blow this up to poster size so you can reveal it to everyone at your party, or create copies and mail them out.

Step 4

Wrap up pink or blue onesies, and allow the matriarch or patriarch of your family to open this box and hold up its contents to gathered onlookers to announce the gender of your soon-to-be-born baby.

Step 5

Make your current child a T-shirt that says that he is getting a little sister. Place the shirt on your child before heading off to lunch at Grandma’s or dinner with your extended family.

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