2 mins read

Can Women Firm Their Breasts by Lifting Weights?

The female breast is a subject of intense contemplation by both men and women. Breasts serve the natural function of producing milk to nourish our young, but they represent so much more, particularly when it comes to attitudes regarding femininity and sexuality. Contemporary Western culture celebrates large breasts as an ideal. As a result many women express dissatisfaction with the size of their breasts and seek natural means, such as exercise, to make their breasts larger and firmer.

2 mins read

How Do I Lose Weight Without Losing My Boobs?

Breasts are made of milk glands, called lobules, milk ducts and fatty tissue. This fatty tissue increases as overall body fat increases, and it decreases when body fat is lost. There is no such thing as spot fat loss, so when you shed those extra pounds you will likely lose fat from your breasts as well. There is not much you can do to prevent loss of breast size as you lose weight, but there are some techniques that can help keep them looking perky.