3 mins read

How to Get Help with Teenage Issues

The teenage years are filled with many possible pitfalls. Unfortunately, there’s no simple solution. Parents just need to prepare themselves to get help for their teenagers when life issues seem to overwhelm or cause them unhappiness. Support for both teenagers and their parents should come early on — before a problem has a chance to overtake their lives.

2 mins read

Fish Oil for Kids

Once again, it’s true that everything old is new again: cod liver oil, which skipped a generation in popularity, is back again. Although the research results are mixed, pediatricians and parents are enthusiastic about the possible benefits of giving kids a daily dose of fish oil — enclosed in a modern gel capsule for palatable consumption. Pharmacists say that sales of the supplement have boomed for all ages, particularly for children.

3 mins read

How to Decide on Baby Names

It takes some parents the entire nine months — and sometimes a bit longer — to come up with that perfect name for baby. Considering the fact the child will live with that moniker for a lifetime, it is a significant decision. Complicating that factor is that it’s usually two individuals making a choice that needs to please them both.

3 mins read

Teaching Children With Behavioral Problems

Kids with behavioral problems can present a challenge for their teachers; however, that challenge exists for each one of these children as well. Children who are not compliant and exhibit behavior problems in the classroom most often are kids looking for help, for answers to their problems or for positive reinforcements about their self worth.

2 mins read

Autism Books for Parents

According to the MayoClinic.com, autism, a serious developmental problem that usually appears before children are 3 years old, affects the way children communicate and interact with others, including their parents. Along with utilizing school and community resources, reading books can provide parents with ideas on how to best understand and support their children.