3 mins read

What to Buy an Expecting Mother

Waiting for the new arrival can seem eons long for some moms-to-be, a wait broken up by traipsing to the obstetrician and decorating the nursery. The expectant mom could use a few gifts as treats and a baby shower might even feature “pregnant mom gifts” rather than gifts for the baby.

2 mins read

Long Baby Boy Names

Perhaps the quest for a long name to bestow on your baby boy comes from your own experiences with a three-letter moniker that seemed to lack weight and significance. Or it may just be that a very short last name seems to call for a longer first one. For the first hundred years after the Social Security Administration started keeping track, the most popular names for American baby boys all had fewer than four syllables, so long names for baby boys are generally those with at least three syllables.

3 mins read

Impulsive Behavior in a Child

Kids often act before they think, but as children mature they begin to learn how to control their impulses. However, with some children, impulsive behavior continues on to the extent that it disrupts their lives and the lives of those around them. Often, helping these children requires a great deal of understanding and specialized knowledge.

2 mins read

1950s Baby Names

The baby names bestowed on little girls and boys in the 1950s were, for the most part, given by parents who had grown up in the 1920s and 1930s. The most frequently bestowed names given to newborns in the 1950s range from the traditional traits of their parents’ formative years to the creative surge that occurred as the decade neared its end.

2 mins read

Diabetic Recipes for Kids

Finding recipes that are tasty and healthy for kids with diabetes can be challenging. Although many adult recipes for those with sugar restrictions are plentiful, many contain sugar substitutes, something many parents don’t want for their kids. The trick is finding recipes that use natural ingredients, and perhaps a minimum of sugar, that come up with a taste that will satisfy your kid’s sweet tooth and snack attacks.