2 mins read

Tips on Having a Baby Boy

The only sure way to have a baby boy, according to In-Gender.com, is to use the high-tech method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis. This method involves fertilizing the egg with sperm in a laboratory, then testing the resulting embryos to determine their gender. Any male embryos are then implanted in the woman’s uterus. This method is expensive, and some say it is unethical. There are other, less-extreme methods on conceiving a baby boy, but none of them are fail-proof.

2 mins read

Tips to Conceive a Baby Girl

Many women dream of having a baby girl, but there is only one sure way to conceive a baby girl, according to the Stanford School of Medicine. That way, called preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), involves fertilizing an egg, then testing the embryo to find out if it’s a boy or girl before implanting it in the uterus. This expensive procedure is controversial but allowable for family balancing in some countries, including the United States. There are other, less invasive, ways of increasing your chances of conceiving a girl.

3 mins read

How Soon Can Home Pregnancy Tests Work?

Most women want to know as soon as possible whether or not they are pregnant. Home pregnancy tests allow you to find out in the comfort and privacy of your own home. While some tests claim to be able to tell you before you menstruate, pregnancy tests are most accurate when taken a few days after you have missed your first period.

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Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis found in children 15 and younger. This autoimmune disease affects around 50,000 children each year in the United States, according to KidsHealth. The duration and severity of the symptoms, which are most often seen in the joints, vary widely in children, from rather mild to quite serious.

2 mins read

Child Tonsil Removal

Removal of the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy.The reasons a child might have his tonsils removed are several and well-defined by the medical community. While surgery of any kind on a child can be frightening, tonsil removal is a considered a minor surgery. The benefits far outweigh the risks, according to the Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates website.