5 mins read

Tips For Road Trips With Kids

Summer is upon us and vacations are being planned as we speak! The meaning of a summer vacation is quite different now that I have kids. When I was younger, I would envision my summer vacations to look something like an MTV music video. Now the resemblance is more like a National Lampoon's Vacation movie.…

6 mins read

Tips For A Fun Day At The Zoo

Going to the zoo with my family to kick off summer break has been a tradition for us since our oldest child was a baby. We always have so much fun watching as the kids take in all the animals and their, at times, very comical quirks. I myself love to observe the mama animals…

5 mins read

My Dearest Children…

Adoption at any age can be beautiful, scary, intimidating and intriguing. But, when you adopt older children, it can be messy. When you adopt an older child, you have to be willing to adopt all the baggage that comes with their past. You must be willing to love them in spite of the anger and…