5 mins read

Taming the Temper Tantrum

Every mom has experienced them, and if you’re not at that stage yet…just wait! The stroke of the clock that ushers in your child’s toddler years also starts the ruthless era of the temper tantrum. Patty Onderko from Parenting.com helped us figure out the rationale behind your child’s emotional explosions.

8 mins read

Tormented Tummy? 10 Best & Worst Foods for a Long-Term Fix

Getting a stomach ache is the WORST! The pain, or sometimes the feeling that you’re going to ralph at any second, is just another thing that moms have to deal with every once in a while in addition to the gazillion other tasks they must complete in a day. There’s no way to prevent those fluke tummy tumults–food poisoning, for example–that hit unexpectedly. There are, however, some general guidelines you can follow in order to stay as far away as possible from the other stuff–indigestion, constipation, gas, diarrhea, etc.

3 mins read

Are You Addicted to Your Faux Glow?

This may sound crazy, but it might be true: Are you addicted to tanning and could addiction treatments help prevent skin cancer? According to a new study, a significant percentage of those who use tanning beds meet standard criteria for addiction and report higher levels of anxiety and substance abuse. If this is really accurate, treatment for people who suffer addictions may contribute to a lower rate of skin cancer.