8 mins read

Triplets Birth Story, part 1

Sunday morning I woke to the sounds of my children as usual, but this day started out like no other. Upon getting out of bed I realized things were wet which meant either I lost control of my bladder or my water broke. I walked a few feet to the children calling my name and felt a slight release. Umm, did I just pee myself?! No, it felt completely different, I had no control over it and the sensation of going wasn

8 mins read

32 Weeks Pregnant with Triplets…

Monday marks my goal of reaching 32 weeks pregnant with my surrogate triplets. It has been a long and difficult road to get here, and I have to say it feels pretty amazing to have made it and surpassed it. For triplets 32 weeks is what they consider term, and here I am still going strong with only minimal issues along the way.

8 mins read

Pregnant with Triplets: Minor Complications

Monday marks my goal of reaching 32 weeks pregnant with my surrogate triplets. It has been a long and difficult road to get here, and I have to say it feels pretty amazing to have made it and surpassed it. For triplets 32 weeks is what they consider term, and here I am still going strong with only minimal issues along the way.

7 mins read

Pregnant as a Surrogate: An Unexpected Twist

Seven weeks into my first pregnancy as a Surrogate (and 5th total), it was time for the first OB appointment. Having four children myself, this was a pretty standard first meeting appointment, I knew. However, I was going to a brand new doctor that I let the Intended Parents pick out and had to get used to their office, staff, and ways of doing things.

6 mins read

Getting Pregnant as a Surrogate

It had been two long weeks since the embryo transfer and I was anxiously awaiting a call from the doctor in California (who had done the procedure) with my blood test results. Everything we had been doing and working toward for the past three months had come down to the results the doctor was due to call with at any moment. I was driving myself crazy with worry, wondering what was taking him so long. That morning I was the first person in and out of the lab in Houston for blo