2 mins read

Mom in a Bikini: Hot or Not?

Shout out for summertime! How many moms wear bikinis? Raise your hand. How many moms wear bikinis that tie at the hips and back and neck, and wear these little sexy stringy numbers in front of their kids, their kids’ friends and their kids’ friends’ parents?

3 mins read

Push Present? Puh-leeze!

WARNING: Pregnant women around the world might want to gag me and lock me in a closet after reading this, but I can’t hold it in any longer. What is up with the obsession of getting a Push-Present?

3 mins read

Why Indoor Play-Gyms Give Me The Blues

Ah, the indoor play-gym. Wild colors. Bouncy things. Countless ways to lose yourself in all-things-kiddie. They seem to be popping up everywhere I turn (or maybe I’m just noticing them more). But if I may offer some wacky advice to moms who just might have the same twisted outlook on life as myself – If you see one, RUN AWAY! Run far, far away.