3 mins read

Don’t be afraid to ask for help~

In the last week, my husband and I decided to purchase a new home. We have been keeping our eyes on some neighborhoods for a while, but when this home on a cul de sac came up, we got over there quickly to take a peek. We wanted nothing more than a quiet street for our active kids to play, without the worry of cars whizzing by. Things of course happened at a very fast pace, and now we are in the midst of coordinating logistics of remodeling this home and getting ours prepared to put on the market. I am a bit sleep deprived to say the least.

3 mins read

Don’t deprive yourself through the holidays~

How many of you are going through the holidays anxious and nervous to not gain extra weight and feel depressed come the New Year? It is hard to find a balance where you can enjoy yourself and also stay focused. It is not helpful to feel panicked right now, or you will lose the opportunity to enjoy this time of year. I am a big believer in moderation and planning ahead. I have already hosted several parties with cookies and appetizers and it took a lot of will power not to eat the entire plate of extra chocolatey brownies.

4 mins read

Attention Singles!

I had a client that I admire so much for her strength and passion to tackle some issues in her life. Like many single women, either by circumstance or divorce, she was frustrated with her inability to meet the right one. She had perfected the other areas of her life, such as her career and circle of friends. She was extremely focused on her work, and because of it, she climbed the corporate ladder and was doing very well. Sometimes when someone comes to me seeking help in meeting someone, I give them opposite the advice they are expecting.

4 mins read

Reignite your passions!

I have a client Iwill call Sarah. Sarah has been a mother for as long as she can remember, and in this time Sarah slowly lost touch withher own needs and desires. She spent so much time caring for others, that her ownjoy factor got pushed aside. When I asked her what her passions were, she looked at me with a complete blank stare. She honestly had no idea what her passions were. I of course told her that deep down sheknew exactly what her passions were, they were just buried over the course of time.

4 mins read

Face your biggest fears~

When I was 15 years old I attended an outward bound camp. I remember completing many trust exercises with my group as a way to conquer fears and rely on others. It was an absolutely amazing week, but one exercise in particular was a defining moment in my life. There was a pole, roughly 30 feet tall, with small pieces of wood secured to the pole, to be used as a way to climb the pole. The instruction was to climb the pole to the very top, pull yourself up on top of a small round disc, and then stand up.