Boy or Girl? Pregnancy Myths and Facts on Which Gender You’re Carrying
Congratulations youre pregnant! So, are you having a boy or a girl? Everywhere you go, youll certainly be asked this question. Whether you decide to find out your babys gender as early as possible (hey, you may want to get a head start on choosing the right color paint for the nursery), or you decide to let your babys gender be a delivery day surprise, there are some facts and myths that can make the guessing game fun until you find out for sure.
Depression During Pregnancy?
Depression during pregnancy is more common than youd think, affecting about 10-20% of women. While those nine months can be an exciting and joyful time in some womens lives, it can be just the opposite for other women. Are suffering from depression during your pregnancy?
Foods to Help You Glow
Time to get your glow on, Mama! Oh we get it how is a new mom supposed to have a glow-y look when shes up to her ears in sleepless nights and poopy diapers? Or how is a seasoned mom supposed to maintain her most fabulous self when shes trying her very best to balance the many responsibilities on her day-to-day calendar? Well, fear no more now you can shine from the inside out. How? With the greatest medicine possible: Food.
Sleep Training for Your Baby
Ah, sleep the one thing all new parents covet about after bringing home baby. Some seasoned parents may warn you that you wont be getting sleep for a long, long time, but wed like to debunk that notion that sleep is a far away dream for new parents. It can be a part of your life with a little bit of discipline, planning, and maybe even a few little tears. But, if you commit to sleep training, soon those sleepless nights will be a distant memory, your baby will sleep through the night, and you and your sweetie will have evenings together again to rest and rejuvenate. Bring on the zzzzzzs!
Mood Boosting Foods for Perinatal Depression
As the saying goes, You are what you eat. Never is that truer than when youre pregnant or nursing for both you and your baby. Pregnancy and new parenthood is a time to really focus on taking the best care of yourself since youre now providing for two (or more!). Yet, even with the best intentions, many women struggle with being healthy when dealing with perinatal depression. 10-20% of women experience depression during pregnancy (antepartum depression), while according to Postpartum Support International, 1in 8 women suffer from postpartum depression. Thankfully, there are many treatment options available including therapy, medication and support groups. (Please talk to your health care provider). But what about the foods you eat? Using food as medicine by increasing your diet with natural mood boosters is one piece of the treatment puzzle to consider. What to put on your plate? Read on