2 mins read

Breastfeeding to Help Lose Pregnancy Weight

If you’re concerned about how to shed those unwanted pregnancy pounds, consider breastfeeding your baby. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a 2008 study citing mothers who had gained the recommended weight during pregnancy and then exclusively breastfed their babies for six months postpartum. Overall, these mothers measured at or below their pre-pregnancy weight.

2 mins read

Birth Control Options for Adolescents & Availability

While many parents hope their teenagers abstain from sex, the fact is that the United States has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world, according to TeensHealth. Many birth control methods are available to both adolescent girls and boys without parental consent, though openly discussing such issues with your children is usually more helpful than avoiding them, according to the Center for Young Women’s Health.

4 mins read

What Are Some Birth Control Methods?

America’s history is full of women fighting for the rights to control their bodies. Many historically significant women, including activist Margaret Sanger, and other women’s rights activists since have worked to ensure that women have a right to control their own bodies and prevent pregnancy, reports the Legacy 98 website, a women’s rights advocacy and history organization. As a woman today, you have not one but many options when it comes to pregnancy prevention. As you select your birth control method, explore your options carefully. Choose the one that is right for you to ensure that you wait until you are ready to start that family.

3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps Quickly

Razor bumps are a literal pain. Not only do they look unattractive, but they itch and hurt as well. Many people have sensitive skin that easily breaks out in razor bumps, and others develop these bumps due to something else (such as a dull razor or an allergic reaction.) Below, you’ll learn some important steps for how to get rid of razor bumps quickly so that you can stop the irritation as soon as possible: Step 1: Prevention