3 mins read

Buying Child’s Bed and Mattress- Twin or Full?

Buying that first bed for your child is an exciting day and there are so many things to consider when making that decision. Room size, design, spacial elements, and comfort are are few to say the least. Twins are the “traditional” size bed for a child but it is really the right choice for you?

5 mins read

Internet and Your Kids: Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em

A large part of your childs worldtheir culture, experiences, and social sceneconsists of the Internet. Some parents today are quick to write off the Internet as a bad influence. I cannot help but recall when a not-so-distant generation of parents wrote off rock-and-roll music as a bad influence, too. Nothing has changed. While there are dangers to be aware of, we completely alienate our children when, out of ignorance, we fear the technology that is so entangled with their lives. The fact is that the Internet is largely a positive influence, providing many positive experiences in the social development of children today. These experiences will equip them for a professional world now dominated by the same technology.

2 mins read

How to Apply Bare Mineral Make-Up Concealer

Every woman has a blemish or under-eye circle that they want to hide. While we wish they would just go away, making them disappear with the magic of mineral make-up is the next best thing. Mineral make-up does not clog your pores. It gives you a natural, light finish that lets your skin breath. Here is how to use the make-up correctly to quickly and easily conceal those unwanted spots.

1 min read

How to Make Traditional Eggnog

Eggnog is typically an alcoholic holiday drink, served chilled or at room temperature. This traditional version uses raw eggs; if you are concerned about the safety of raw eggs, see “How to Make Alcoholic Eggnog,” which cooks the nog. This recipe serves six.

3 mins read

How To Plan The Perfect New Year's Eve

Some people might argue that there’s no such thing as the perfect New Year’s Eve. Another party with 100 of your closest friends, all sloshed and wearing funny hats? Or stay home and watch that ball drop again? Neither! Your first resolution is to ring in the New Year with style and fun. Here are a range of options to suit almost anyone.