3 mins read

7 Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep

Isn’t it amazing how you can be SO tired yet it’s hard for you to fall asleep at night? Well, you’re not alone. Sleep deprivation is running rampant and many experts are blaming our fast-paced, unhealthy lifestyle. If you’re having trouble sleeping, here are 7 tips for a better night’s rest…finally! 1. Get on a Routine Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even weekends. This routine will reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle and can actually help you fall asleep at night.

3 mins read

How the Environment is Affecting Your Reproductive Health

It’s no secret that reproductive health is sensitive to the characteristics of an individual’s environment and that these effects vary in different parts of the world. For instance, in populations with high rates of STDs or poor healthcare services, women’s risk of experiencing premature delivery, fetal loss or prenatal mortality are higher than normal as infections routinely go untreated.

2 mins read

Does the Twinkie Diet REALLY Work?

Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, decided to eat twinkies, powdered donuts, nutty bars, Doritos, Oreos and other processed junk foods every three hours instead of meals — for two months. Why did he do it? To test out his theory that pure calorie counting is what matters most in weight loss, not the nutritional value of food. So, he cut his caloric intake, but loaded up on junk food.

2 mins read

Children Affected by AIDS Foundation

There are over 33 million people infected with HIV worldwide and more than 17 million children orphaned by AIDS. Additionally, there are 200,000 young American women living with HIV, many of which have an average of two children. That’s why organizations like the Children Affected by AIDS Foundation (CAAF) are so impactful. CAAF is devoted to providing social, educational, recreational and other critical support programs to vulnerable children affected in some way by HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and other countries.