2 mins read

How to Perfectly Organize Your Pantry

Are you giving your house a thorough spring cleaning? Don’t skip the pantry! With these great tips from ZipList founder Geoff Allen, you can have a well-stocked and well-organized storehouse in a snap! 1. See how many meals you can make with the items already in your pantry. Homemade soup is a great way to use of a mixture of pantry ingredients such as pasta, dried beans, canned vegetables, spices and grains.

4 mins read

Mom’s Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep

When was the last time you got a good night’s sleep? Got your attention yet? Sleep is the one thing moms want – and NEED – more of! The average American woman gets only 6.5 hours of sleep a night. That’s much less than needed. ModernMom got a chance to interview Dr. Donnica Moore about ways you can improve your sleeping habits so you get more Zzz’s and less hazy days. MM: Can you reveal the truth about some common sleep myths?

4 mins read

The Horrifying Truth About Domestic Violence

Relationship violence is certainly not a fun or comfortable topic to discuss, but it’s increasingly a subject of immense importance. A recent Glamour magazine survey revealed that 29 percent of respondents reported having been in an abusive relationship, and an additional 30 percent admitted they had not been in an abusive relationship, but had been degraded, threatened with a gun or knife, or harmed by their partner at some point.