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Conquering Breast and Nipple Soreness Related to Breastfeeding

For many pregnant women who plan to breastfeed, one of the biggest concerns is, will it hurt? The answer is that the early weeks of breastfeeding are different for everyone. Some women might have just a little soreness, and still others will be lucky enough to not experience any discomfort! You cant predict how your body will adjust to breastfeeding. Youll have to wait for that first latch to find out. You can, however, gather as much information as possible so you can know what to do if you do experience some challenges in the first few days. Knowing that what you are experiencing is normal can be comforting and less isolating. Some tenderness is normal when you first begin breastfeeding. But if that turns to pain that wont go away, adjustments should be made. Nipple soreness and pain are often cited as the main reason women discontinue breastfeeding, and many moms think that soreness just comes with the territory. But thats not the case! Breastfeeding done right can be comfortable, and if you can believe it, even a calming, soothing experience. There are a few different things you can try to ease the discomfort.