3 mins read

The Fun of Fear and Why it’s Good to be Bad

“Always do what you are afraid to do.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Swoosh! The boy swooped down from the monkey bars, his face smeared with fresh fake blood. He was wearing a long black cape. You could tell he liked the way the cape swung behind him. The other kids at the playground were dressed…

4 mins read

Why Secrets can be Good for Your Marriage

If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself. – George Orwell Your heart palpitates, eyes dilate, cheeks flush, palms sweat. Do you have dengue fever or are you in love? Most of us have experienced the giddy whirl of romance. This heady part of love is biological and lasts about 1 years. And then?

5 mins read

Why You Really Shouldn’t Force Your Kids To Say “Sorry”

He just shut me out and that isnt good for the planet. Sienna, 3 years old, upon her brothers refusal to accept her hugMy four-year-old scratches his little sisters face. He knows its wrong. Before he lashes out, he looks at me furtively with a sidelong glance, as if trying to decide what to do.In the blink of my eye, the deed is done. Sienna is crying. I am …