1 min read

Birthdays and Life

So, today is my 32nd birthday. I’ve joked a lot lately with my boyfriend and friends about how I won’t admit my age anymore or that I’m going to start going backward from now on. But the truth is, I’m really not all that unhappy about being 32. My life has not turned out at all the way I thought it would, and although there are tiny things I wish were different, overall I wouldn’t change it.

3 mins read

My first entry…

So, I just joined Modern Mom today. I figured I’d make my first blog entry pretty simple; just a little introduction of myself and my life. Let’s see…where to start. I’m about to turn 32 (I don’t like that number; let’s swap it around!.) I have 2 sons, ages 9 and 7. They both have ADHD, and I suspect my 7 year old also has some sort of sensory integration disorder.