7 mins read

Bad Bedside Manner: Why Background Checks Are Important

I had to have dermatological surgery last week. I’m okay; it’s just another mole gone rogue. When my (new) dermatologist referred me to a particular surgeon, I didn’t question the recommendation. Come to think of it, I didn’t do much of a background check on my new dermatologist either, because she was in my insurance network.

7 mins read

My Terrifying Journey on J-Date… Oy!

These are some actual J-Date e-mails that I received when I was on the site, looking for a man. To amuse myself, I commented on the e-mails (but I never sent them). I also never found a man – but when you read the gems below, it won’t be hard to see why. Clearly, I thought that Id want to use these one day.

6 mins read

Where Have All The Dreidels Gone?

In honor of Chanukah, Im re-posting this adorable tale from last year with some updates. I know it borders on lazy, but Ive got latkes to make and gelt to buy. And its not like anything has changed. Its as timely now as it was 12 months ago. Sad. But true. LChaim.