7 mins read

My Night as a Substitute Grandparent

Last week was Grandparent’s Day at my nephew’s school. Unfortunately my parents were out of town, so my sister-in-law asked me if I would step in. My nephew is also my godson, and I see him so rarely, I couldn’t possibly say no.

3 mins read

It’s the Boobie Generation

My boyfriend and I went to a prom photo shoot at his daughter’s friend’s house. I’d never seen anything like it. Then again, I’ve never seen anything related to a prom because I didn’t go to mine. And before anyone thinks that no one asked me, hush up. I was dating someone at the time but I didn’t want to go. Corsages make my wrists look fat.

5 mins read

R-Rated Movies are Not for 12-Year-Olds

I went to see Hangover: Part Deux over the holiday weekend with my boyfriend and his son. It’s rated R. I have a problem with taking a twelve year old to see R-rated movies. I can see that my objections might sound a wee prudish but isn’t there plenty of time for kids to be exposed to boobies, and tushies, and hearing cussing like, “Fuck that shit man. You’re an a-hole.” Or sexually explicit language like, “He took it up the ass and loved it.